Monday, April 05, 2010

Justin teaches grammar at 4:45 AM

intransitive: adjective describing a predicator (verb) which requires only one argument (usually a subject-compliment) example: "I farted."

Sunday, April 04, 2010


my papa and I have been trying to find a word for what we do (spurred on by an article in last week's sunday star).
he decided that I was not worthy of "procrasticleaning."
I suggested "procrastibaking" (mmmm. flan).

I'm trying to reform a little though, and refuse to procrastibake (I have a paper due tomorrow and my oven is quite cool). I am so committed that I could not help writing about it.
Which leads us to our title.

sometimes they work well together

Thursday, April 01, 2010

There was a real estate agent in my hometown who had his face plastered all over the family car. I thought it was tacky.
Anyway, I did a presentation last week at MacDiv's Theological Research Seminar. They make posters (I'll post one here). I was actually quite proud of it, it was the first time my face has been on anything worth noting (it was not on my wedding program).
You would expect that the posters would be down by now. But the other day I stepped into the mensroom and, who should I see staring back at me while standing there, but me.
Which begs the question, how many people have stared at my face while standing in the men's room?

Monday, March 22, 2010

I'll have to keep this short, because Im in the middle of writing a paper. And I'm procrastinating. It's supposed to be 30 pages, and I'm on page 5 and it is due tomorrow. And it's 11:46. And I have a seminar presentation tomorrow on a paper I wrote last semester.
Why did I chose now to write a blog?
I'm sure you'll think of something (whoever you are).
While you get on that, I'll get to writing.