Justin teaches grammar at 4:45 AM
intransitive: adjective describing a predicator (verb) which requires only one argument (usually a subject-compliment) example: "I farted."
Monday, April 05, 2010
Sunday, April 04, 2010
my papa and I have been trying to find a word for what we do (spurred on by an article in last week's sunday star).
he decided that I was not worthy of "procrasticleaning."
I suggested "procrastibaking" (mmmm. flan).
I'm trying to reform a little though, and refuse to procrastibake (I have a paper due tomorrow and my oven is quite cool). I am so committed that I could not help writing about it.
Which leads us to our title.
my papa and I have been trying to find a word for what we do (spurred on by an article in last week's sunday star).
he decided that I was not worthy of "procrasticleaning."
I suggested "procrastibaking" (mmmm. flan).
I'm trying to reform a little though, and refuse to procrastibake (I have a paper due tomorrow and my oven is quite cool). I am so committed that I could not help writing about it.
Which leads us to our title.
Thursday, April 01, 2010
There was a real estate agent in my hometown who had his face plastered all over the family car. I thought it was tacky.
Anyway, I did a presentation last week at MacDiv's Theological Research Seminar. They make posters (I'll post one here). I was actually quite proud of it, it was the first time my face has been on anything worth noting (it was not on my wedding program).
You would expect that the posters would be down by now. But the other day I stepped into the mensroom and, who should I see staring back at me while standing there, but me.
Which begs the question, how many people have stared at my face while standing in the men's room?
Monday, March 22, 2010
I'll have to keep this short, because Im in the middle of writing a paper. And I'm procrastinating. It's supposed to be 30 pages, and I'm on page 5 and it is due tomorrow. And it's 11:46. And I have a seminar presentation tomorrow on a paper I wrote last semester.
Why did I chose now to write a blog?
I'm sure you'll think of something (whoever you are).
While you get on that, I'll get to writing.
Why did I chose now to write a blog?
I'm sure you'll think of something (whoever you are).
While you get on that, I'll get to writing.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
I like alot of things, and seem to have defined myself by a certain few of those likes, and loves etc. I dont want to be that british graduate pentecostal anglican wannabe guy that is always saying stuff like "interesting" and correcting grammar and singing rule britannia and god save the queen in latin while dancing around st. georges cross. To tell you the truth, though, Im not that smart. and Ive never been to England
and sometimes I forget how to spell business.
and sometimes I forget how to spell business.
Monday, February 26, 2007
So, two posts back I posted a picture of an old Scroll (the tan one), but! I did so without a translation (it's only really a few words). So! I figured I'd add one, just cause Im a nerd and that's what I do.
[ According to Mark]
The beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ [the son of God] just as it is written in Isaiah the prophet [...]
That's it, simple enough I suppose.
Monday, January 29, 2007
Saturday, January 20, 2007

I spent way too many hours trying to circle and connect text in the first chapter of Mark to give some cohesiveness to a few ideas in the Gospel of Mark. I tried it in word. I tried it in publisher. I tried it in paint. I failed miserably. It was the font's fault. Eventually I gave up and decided that it might be wholesome to print it off and mark it up with a pen and ink; sort of a higher text re-visitation of the scribes etc. who went before me and whose job has made mine both enjoyable and difficult.
In that Spirit, I decided to revisit the work of my forerunners, and maybe evaluate their work a little. Criticism never hurt anyone. Besides, I'd been doing some textual work on the first chapter of Mark, and my notes mentioned something about an original revision to the text of Mark 1:1 on Codex Sinaiticus.. the big one. Not that Mark changed hi

So, I repeat my question, which one is better? It's all up to you now folks, and remember, Jesus is watching, and the guy who wrote the old one is too dead to have his feelings hurt.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
I like food.
I am a food snob.
I posted a picture of eggs benedict on my websight.
Recently I was in Nova Scotia (Most of you have met Britter on Myspace:))
Her mom was a fantastic cook. We had fresh seafood a couple of times and it was sooo simple, et Im not sure I could do it myself.
In my desperation, I turned to simple food.
On the train on the way home we had a baguette broken with turkey brie and basil.
Thats it
Just bread with a hunk of turkey, a squish of brie and a few leaves of basil.
it was delicious..
So we explored more..
Goat cheese on digestive cookies (sans chocolat) covered in either cranberries and cinnamon, or the "herb blend" which turned out to be mostly basil (mmmmm my fav).
I dont have a picture right now, but Im sure you can imagine, anf frankly Im not sure how many people would want to look at a pcture of a sandwich or crackers and cheese.
On a side note, that train ride led to Belleville, whch was heavenly, and eventually to Pearson International Airport... which was slightly less wonderful.
Fortunately, however, in 31 days it will become a better place.
Till then
I am a food snob.
I posted a picture of eggs benedict on my websight.
Recently I was in Nova Scotia (Most of you have met Britter on Myspace:))
Her mom was a fantastic cook. We had fresh seafood a couple of times and it was sooo simple, et Im not sure I could do it myself.
In my desperation, I turned to simple food.
On the train on the way home we had a baguette broken with turkey brie and basil.
Thats it
Just bread with a hunk of turkey, a squish of brie and a few leaves of basil.
it was delicious..
So we explored more..
Goat cheese on digestive cookies (sans chocolat) covered in either cranberries and cinnamon, or the "herb blend" which turned out to be mostly basil (mmmmm my fav).
I dont have a picture right now, but Im sure you can imagine, anf frankly Im not sure how many people would want to look at a pcture of a sandwich or crackers and cheese.
On a side note, that train ride led to Belleville, whch was heavenly, and eventually to Pearson International Airport... which was slightly less wonderful.
Fortunately, however, in 31 days it will become a better place.
Till then
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Eggs Benedict, as promised.
Today after I published my blog (and wrote my countdown) I realized something..
I dont know if I had done it before, and I dont particularly want to do the math and firgure it out right now, but It seems I have been counting down to 4:20 PM EST.
However, I wont actually get off the train until 4:20 PM atlantic time, 3:20 PM EST.
With that, Ill make my post now correct and Sign it
@4 Days 6 hours 29 minutes

I made breakfast today at 6:30 Am. I suppose that this in itself isnt all that odd, people do it daily. There was one difference for me this morning, though. It doesnt feel like morning. I haven't slept in 24 hours, and I dont think I will today. Last night I worked on my thesis,till 6:30 am and decided to take a break before getting right back to it. That was 2 hours ago. And now I'm sitting and watching lutherans sing songs on TV and wondering how much more I might have had done if, instead of watching the lutherans, I had kept typing. I suppose it doesnt really matter, I should be sleeping anyway.
In either case, I dont think this will turn out too badly. I can never sleep on the night of Christmas Eve. Tonight is the night of Christmas eve. Something tells me I won't have trouble sleeping.
Well, I'm off for now. I'll post a picture of the Eggs Benedict I woke my sister up making, and maybe a lutheran.
Till Next Time
@ 4 days 8 hours 4 minutes
In either case, I dont think this will turn out too badly. I can never sleep on the night of Christmas Eve. Tonight is the night of Christmas eve. Something tells me I won't have trouble sleeping.
Well, I'm off for now. I'll post a picture of the Eggs Benedict I woke my sister up making, and maybe a lutheran.
Till Next Time
@ 4 days 8 hours 4 minutes
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
So recently I got an email (Kathy, I hope you dont mind if repulish it in parts, Ill leave out the part about your addiction to ibuprophen and the desperate housewives.)
There are two important bits.
1. The 27th of December, apparently everyoneis busy till then
2. I am supposed to blog and update more people:)
SO! I thought now would be a great time to update you all on me and my adventures which, consequently, start on December 27th. So! What is so significant about December 27, you ask, well... that is the day that I get on a train.... for Nova Scotia, to spend two weeks with one Brittany Malloy of Lockeport Nova Scotia. SO, things are going very well with me.
AND! Ill be back in Ontario on the 5th, with pictures, and Britter.
So recently I got an email (Kathy, I hope you dont mind if repulish it in parts, Ill leave out the part about your addiction to ibuprophen and the desperate housewives.)
There are two important bits.
1. The 27th of December, apparently everyoneis busy till then
2. I am supposed to blog and update more people:)
SO! I thought now would be a great time to update you all on me and my adventures which, consequently, start on December 27th. So! What is so significant about December 27, you ask, well... that is the day that I get on a train.... for Nova Scotia, to spend two weeks with one Brittany Malloy of Lockeport Nova Scotia. SO, things are going very well with me.
AND! Ill be back in Ontario on the 5th, with pictures, and Britter.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Sunday, September 10, 2006
I have a black eye...
I'll post a picture on this blog soon (tomorrow maybe). So, the problem is, I am fairly mild mannered. So, how does a mild mannered person get a black eye, you ask? Well, maybe you arent asking (Although, if you are Mara, you are always asking questions (second Mara reference, you owe me big!) but I will give you an answer anyway.
Come to think of it, there are many ways in which a "mild mannered person" could get a black eye, and most of em involve being punched in the face (retaliation notwithstanding). I assure you, however, that this was not the case (Unless I've already told you the "I got in a fight with a bear, and this is all he could do to me" story, in which case you seriously ought to reconsider reading the remainder of this blog, just for effect). Anyway, it was about 9:30 in the evening and I was, as is becoming more and more usual, in the woods; Frontenac Provincial park to be exact, and about a two hour hike from the nearest, albeit abandoned, civilization. It was at this time that I decided to put up a tarp. Why, you ask? Because that's what people do when they are camping; they put up tarps. Anyway, I happened to be standing on a table to lash said tarp onto a tree, and this table happened to be on the edge of a rather steep embankment leading to water. I stepped off of the table onto what I assumed to be ground. I was gravely mistaken. A split second later I was standing in water (I say this loosely. I was more leaning than standing and did not yet realize that my feet where in water.In fact, I wasnt sure exactly where I was or if I was and was consoled singularly by the fact that my life had not, in fact, flashed before my eyes). It seems that somewhere in my transition from elevated cogniscance to watery blur I had slid over a rather jagged rock, which left me with an impressively livid bruise on the underside of my notoriously deepset eyes and a 1cm long gash which was denied a stitch, even though it adamently stood by its values by declaring that "openness" was indeed a virtue. I have since lobbied against it's demands, and though the flesh itself stands symbolically separated, the divot has been replaced with scab and, for the moment, everyone is happy. Except me, of course, because I have a smallish scab on my swollen left eye and I have to preach tomorrow. Which reminds me, I need sleep, and more preparation.
Wish me luck
I'll post a picture on this blog soon (tomorrow maybe). So, the problem is, I am fairly mild mannered. So, how does a mild mannered person get a black eye, you ask? Well, maybe you arent asking (Although, if you are Mara, you are always asking questions (second Mara reference, you owe me big!) but I will give you an answer anyway.
Come to think of it, there are many ways in which a "mild mannered person" could get a black eye, and most of em involve being punched in the face (retaliation notwithstanding). I assure you, however, that this was not the case (Unless I've already told you the "I got in a fight with a bear, and this is all he could do to me" story, in which case you seriously ought to reconsider reading the remainder of this blog, just for effect). Anyway, it was about 9:30 in the evening and I was, as is becoming more and more usual, in the woods; Frontenac Provincial park to be exact, and about a two hour hike from the nearest, albeit abandoned, civilization. It was at this time that I decided to put up a tarp. Why, you ask? Because that's what people do when they are camping; they put up tarps. Anyway, I happened to be standing on a table to lash said tarp onto a tree, and this table happened to be on the edge of a rather steep embankment leading to water. I stepped off of the table onto what I assumed to be ground. I was gravely mistaken. A split second later I was standing in water (I say this loosely. I was more leaning than standing and did not yet realize that my feet where in water.In fact, I wasnt sure exactly where I was or if I was and was consoled singularly by the fact that my life had not, in fact, flashed before my eyes). It seems that somewhere in my transition from elevated cogniscance to watery blur I had slid over a rather jagged rock, which left me with an impressively livid bruise on the underside of my notoriously deepset eyes and a 1cm long gash which was denied a stitch, even though it adamently stood by its values by declaring that "openness" was indeed a virtue. I have since lobbied against it's demands, and though the flesh itself stands symbolically separated, the divot has been replaced with scab and, for the moment, everyone is happy. Except me, of course, because I have a smallish scab on my swollen left eye and I have to preach tomorrow. Which reminds me, I need sleep, and more preparation.
Wish me luck
Sunday, September 03, 2006
The introductory blog is a tricky thing.
It sets the pace for whatever else is to come, it establishes a reader base, and says a little something about the blogger. I'd like to do something a little different. Presumably people who know me will be reading this post. Presumably you'll want to leave your two cents (more if you've got it), and presumably others will read what you have to say about me and the success of this blog. So, I've decided to leave my first blog in your hands. Imean, I dont know how many people I really know on blogspot (Mara excepted), and so the response may just be dismal. However, in that case, I invite you the unknown schmuck who just happened to catch a bad link here (I'll make sure to post as many as I can, if I can, I dont know how) to comment, with discretion of course, and the knowledge that I will probably delete if it doesn't contain at least six different and creative kudos.
My reputation is in your hands... (to a small, and relatively controlled degree)
It sets the pace for whatever else is to come, it establishes a reader base, and says a little something about the blogger. I'd like to do something a little different. Presumably people who know me will be reading this post. Presumably you'll want to leave your two cents (more if you've got it), and presumably others will read what you have to say about me and the success of this blog. So, I've decided to leave my first blog in your hands. Imean, I dont know how many people I really know on blogspot (Mara excepted), and so the response may just be dismal. However, in that case, I invite you the unknown schmuck who just happened to catch a bad link here (I'll make sure to post as many as I can, if I can, I dont know how) to comment, with discretion of course, and the knowledge that I will probably delete if it doesn't contain at least six different and creative kudos.
My reputation is in your hands... (to a small, and relatively controlled degree)
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